
What Love Is

Last night, James held me while I vomited and sobbed through a hellish migraine reaction to surgical anesthesia and painkillers.  Today when I was able to open my eyes and read again, I read this:

The purpose of intimacy is to massage the heart, to soften the muscles around our hardened places and keep pliant the places where we are already open.  The circle of love is deep and strong.  It can forgive mistakes and cast out error.  It can foster greatness and bring forth new life.
 … This is our function in each other's lives:  to hold the space for each other's beauty, that our beloved can leave us and we still feel in his (or her) absence how beautiful we are.

The author is Marianne Williamson (from A Woman's Worth), quoted in Roderick MacIver's book, The Heron Dance Book of Love and Gratitude, that James bought for me in Burlington, VT, on Tuesday as we made our way home from our vacation in Canada.  James also took this picture of me on our vacation, a picture that makes me look beautiful.  I never like how I look in pictures, and I never think of myself as beautiful.  That's what love is—James makes me look and feel beautiful.  Even with my head in the toilet.