
Creative ADD

While working on some music, I decided to look online for other arrangements of a song.  The following distractions took place:

  1. I discovered the system update I left my computer downloading last night needed to be installed, which would take 28 minutes.  I began the install.
  2. I went to the kitchen to make another cup of coffee while my computer did its thing.  I saw one of the many empty gallon jugs collecting in the recycling bin from my CPAP distilled water needs and decided to make one into a bird feeder to use both the jug and the partial bag of bird seed that's been sitting in a cupboard for a few years now.  
  3. I cut the label out of the jug, covered the sharp edges with duct tape, then went downstairs to look for appropriate rope to string it up with.
  4. While looking through my craft hoarder cabinet for rope, I remembered I had a load of clothes in the washer and decided to rewash them because I hate any trace of musty smell.
  5. I noticed the dehumidifier which sits next to the washer and dryer was full and emptied it into the washer with the clothes.
  6. I found some rope for the birdfeeder and went back upstairs and finished stringing it.  I decided it needed something inside to weigh it down so the wind wouldn't just blow it around and dump the seed everywhere.  I went outside to look for rocks, back in to my hoarder cabinet to look for heavy things, out to the garage to try some potting soil, none of which worked.  The broken door latch on the basement-to-garage door drove me crazy as always, so I decided to fix it.
  7. After fixing the door, I remembered we have a box of 4" floor tiles in the storage room that would work well to weigh down the birdfeeder so I went in and got a couple and tried them out—perfect!  Lucie found a ball she'd left in there some time ago.
  8. The already installed wire and hook to hang birdfeeders from that the previous owners put up is too high for me to reach, so I went to look for something to use as a reach extender.  I found the edger tool on the deck and got the feeder up on the hook. Then I used the edger tool to clean the leaves and other detritus (read: dog poo) off the wooden path back to the deck.
  9. I also found the grill spatula out on the deck and brought it inside.
  10. My still undrunk coffee was cold so I heated it up in the microwave and went back in to the computer to finish installing the new system.  I decided to write a blog post about all the distractions that led to productive accomplishments before going back to the search for music arrangements.

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