
Prayer is Free

The article, "The Drug that is Bankrupting America," by Jeffrey Sachs, about new drugs for Hepatitis C that are making $$BILLIONS for the drug companies that monopolize the patents left me feeling enraged, and powerless.  How can us regular folks ever change something this deeply embedded in our capitalist politico-economic system?  We don't have $$MILLIONS to pay lobbyists, or to finance election campaigns for people who would change the way things work to a humane system that encourages innovation while also making those innovative treatments available to all who need them.

A friend and I commiserated over this reality, feeling powerless together.  Then I said, "Prayer.  Lots of prayer.  We don't need millions of $$ for that."

"Amen to that," she agreed.

So, here it is:
Let's all pray as hard as we can for the people who care about people—not profits—to rise to places of decision-making power.  
We may not be able to send highly paid lobbyists to Washington, D.C., but we can send fierce prayers.  And we can use our right to vote to help those with the nerve and stamina to keep butting their heads against the brick walls of moneyed influence to rise into the places of decision-making power until systemic changes are made.

Pray without ceasing.

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