
Why Two English Majors Should Never Marry Each Other

Victor the Wonder Worker, and the Faithful Old Truck
Scene:  Troy's Garage in West Stockbridge—James and Dianne bring in their 1995 pickup truck that's been in their garage all winter because they knew it wouldn't pass inspection last summer and they didn't have the time or money to get it fixed, thinking it would require a lot of both.

Victor the Car Mechanic:  "So what's the trouble with the truck?"

James & Dianne:  "The windshield wiper isn't working.   It won't pass inspection without working windshield wipers."

Victor:  (pulls up the rubber thingy over the wiper hub) "This bolt is loose.  It needs to be tightened."  (gets a wrench and tightens the bolt)  "Hm, and this blade is broken, too."  (goes to his auto parts trailer and gets 2 new blades and installs them; also fills the wiper fluid reservoir and tests it to make sure it's all working—it is)  "What else?"

J & D:  "The brake light keeps coming on.  It won't pass inspection with the brake light on."

V:  (opens the hood)  "Your brake fluid is low.  You need to add brake fluid."  (adds fluid—brake light goes off)

J & D:  (sheepish looks) 

[In our defense on this one, the fluid level was actually above the "minimum" line, but apparently far enough below the maximum line to trigger the light.] 

V:  "You don't need a doctor yet.  Anything else?"

J & D:  "Oh yeah, and the rear view mirror fell off and we can't get it to stay stuck on."

V:  "Go around the corner to the hardware store and tell them what you need and they'll get it for you.  Then bring it back and I'll put it on for you."

J & D:  (go to hardware store and purchase package for $5 that's labeled in large type "Rear View Mirror Adhesive"; then return to garage and hand package to Victor)

V:  (cleans off the gunk from all of Dianne's failed attempts with various other glues and installs the Rear View Mirror Adhesive)  "Wait until tonight to slide that mirror back on there so it has time to set."

J & D:  "Gee, thanks!  What do we owe you?"

V:  "Oh, about $12-$15, I guess."

J & D:  (hand Victor a $20 bill)  "Will that cover it?"

V:  "Sure.  Thanks."

J & D:  "No, thank you!"

Tune in tomorrow to find out if the truck passes inspection!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

The truck passed! Thank you, Victor!!!